IFR blog > Song analysis > Sister golden hair

Sister Golden Hair

If you're looking for a clear example of how each chord of the major scale sounds in a musical context, this classic by America is a gold mine. It presents all six of the most commonly used chords in a very clear way. And even the omission of the seven chord is an important lesson, because the seven chord is in fact almost never used in rock and pop music.

Sister Golden Hair

Learn to create your OWN music!

Improvise for Real will show you how to improvise and compose your own original music. You'll learn how to write your own chord progressions, and how to create melodies that flow beautifully with the chords. All of the chords to the song above are covered in the following levels of the IFR Jam Tracks series:

IFR Jam Tracks Level 1: Seven Worlds IFR Jam Tracks Level 2: Pure Harmony Essentials IFR Jam Tracks Level 3: Pure Harmony Advanced