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Piano for Non-Pianists 1

'Piano for Non-Pianists' is our free lesson series where everyone learns basic piano. This course teaches musicians of all instruments how they can expand their creative practice to include the piano.

Piano for Non-Pianists 2

In this lesson you'll learn to move around the piano keyboard by whole steps. When we combine this whole step movement with the half step movement that you mastered in the previous lesson, you can begin to create tonality and harmony directly on the piano keyboard.

Piano for Non-Pianists 3

In this lesson you'll learn to visualize and play the IFR Tonal Map anywhere on the piano keyboard. This will allow you to create all seven harmonic environments of the major scale and begin practicing the IFR exercise Seven Worlds.

Piano for Non-Pianists 4

In this lesson you'll learn to control the tonal center in your music, allowing you to create the seven harmonic environments of the major scale.

Piano for Non-Pianists 5

In this lesson you'll learn one of the keys to creating beautiful melodies, which is to notice the feelings of tension or relaxation produced by each note of the harmonic environment.

Piano for Non-Pianists 6

In this lesson we explore the sensations of tension and release in the second harmonic environment of the major scale.

Piano for Non-Pianists 7

In this lesson you'll take your first step to incorporating your left hand as a rhythmic self-accompaniment on the piano. You'll start with a basic pulse in the left hand and learn to express right hand phrases and melodies relative to this pulse.

Piano for Non-Pianists 8

In this lesson I'll help you get started using IFR Jam Tracks Level 1: Seven Worlds using what you've already learned on the piano.

Piano for Non-Pianists 9: Tonal five finger drills, part 1

Today we begin a whole series of lessons that will teach you how to play chords effortlessly on the piano. The first step is our “tonal five finger drills”.

Piano for Non-Pianists 10: Tonal five finger drills, part 2

In this lesson we'll break our tonal five finger drills out of their original tonal context and learn to create them anywhere on the piano keyboard.