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Free sample lesson: Mastering the musical landscape

In this free sample lesson from Deep Foundations for Melodic Instruments, we explore the landscape of our instrument using the smallest interval in our musical system: the half step. We practice moving across our entire musical range, connecting all of the notes as one long unbroken chain of half steps.

Part 1: Staircase exercise

Part 2: Creative exploration

Deep Foundations for Melodic InstrumentsGet the complete video course!

The sample lesson you just watched is from our complete video course Deep Foundations for Melodic Instruments. This foundational video course is a complete introduction to the IFR method for all melodic instruments. Through step-by-step video lessons, beautiful playing examples and lots of creative jamming activities, you will learn to improvise melodically over backing tracks and with other musicians, and you'll master improvising over all seven chords of the major scale.